Welcome to the Alan Tek podcast!
Just kidding, but if you’re looking for some expert advice in audible format, I would suggest to start listening to some podcasts. We live in world of connectivity and now more than ever, we can learn from experts all over the world at our fingertips. There’s a lot of content out there so the only drawback is finding who and what is best for you. What’s really cool about podcasts is that for the most part, they consist of a really open conversation that is meant to benefit your life without any cost, except your attention. I honestly feel like I’ve learned more in podcasts then I have in parts of my schooling, and having some amazingly smart people in my pocket whenever I want to hear from them is a pretty sweet thing to have. Who knows, maybe you’ll hear about the Alan Tek podcast. Until then, here’s my top podcast list:
The ultimate lifestyle podcaster
Ever heard of Tim Ferriss? Well if you haven’t then you should definitely check him out. He’s my top choice for podcast host, mainly due to interests that I have in common with him – language learning, lifestyle design, travel. He’s the ultimate millennial guru who has written New York Times bestselling books: the Four Hour Work Week, The Four Hour Body, The Four Hour Chef, and Tools of Titans. Besides being a very entertaining host and all-round intelligent dude, he has really great world-class guests and keeps a very entertaining open dialogue with them. He’s also a big name in Silicon Valley and is a big time promoter of Stoicism philosophy which has influenced me as well. This guy can change your life if you’re listening.
Check out the Time Ferriss show here:
Podcast – The Tim Ferriss Show
The greatest motivator guy
I got introduced to Lewis Howes by a fitness friend of mine one day after having a podcast discussion and at first I wasn’t sure about him but his podcast and motivational talks have helped me greatly and Lewis has grown on me. Being a former athlete who is on a different career path has helped me relate to him more and he posts very frequently, so there is always new content to listen to. Once you listen to any of his shows, you’ll feel pretty pumped for the future and getting things done or what he calls getting out and being GREAT.
Check out the School of Greatness podcast here:
His show has helped me begin my blog, which you are checking out now. If you’ve missed my first post on self-actualization, check it out here:
The self-promoter and book guy
Edit: I have since stopped listening to Tai Lopez as I don’t believe he has the best interest of his viewers anymore.
So you may have come across Tai Lopez on some viral youtube video about his garage full of Lamborghinis, how to read a book a day, or attractive females surrounding him. If so, that’s not at all what he’s about. He’s a genius at social media and gaining audiences and that’s a big reason why he’s been successful — he knows how to sell himself online and gain attention. Some people can’t stand him but if you really listen to his podcast, he gives very insightful information for free and uses the viral effect to get you to pay attention to him. The tidbits of information that he gives away can really help entrepreneurs and is the real-deal, he’s kind of a hustler but that’s the game that we live in today.
Check out The Tai Lopez Show here:
The health and bio-hacking guru
Ever heard of bulletproof coffee? or butter coffee? Well it came from a guy named Dave Asprey, and he’s the creator of the bulletproof podcast. He’s a biohacker and entrepreneur who besides selling his brand heavily on his podcast also has very intelligent guests in the health and fitness field. If you’re looking to learn a lot about alternative health methods, I would highly suggest his podcast. I feel like I learn a complete university course in molecular biology every time I listen to his show. I also adopted the butter and MCT oil coffee method to my morning routine and follow loosely to his high-fat diet recommendations.
Check out the Bulletproof Radio podcast here:
The guy that started it all
I’m not going to get too in depth with this one but Joe Rogan really started this whole podcast thing in my opinion. With originally being a comedian / UFC commentator, Joe Rogan really found his niche and following when he opened up his own podcast and he’s the first one I started listening to and I feel he opened up a lot of doors for people in the audio format. I don’t really listen to him anymore but he’s worth checking out if you find the right guests, I just feel his show is too long and I don’t have enough time to finish each one anymore.
Check out the Joe Rogan Experience podcast here:
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